Since as far as I could remember, I've always been fascinated and passionate about games and being creative.

As a kid up until high school, I tried to explore every single creative outlet that I thought was interesting. To list just a few: I learned how to draw, I engrossed myself in cinema and animation, I wrote hundreds of stories, I learned photography, and I worked on designing games or pieces for games (like custom tabletop games, or hand-drawn levels for games). Even my electives in high school consisted entirely of creative classes like visual arts and communications technology.

During my four years of college, I studied many areas of game development like art, animation, modeling, programming, design, and even business. I took a specific interest however, in design. It was also during this time that I became more acquainted with tabletop games, and began my obsession with Dungeons & Dragons (D&D).

After college, I have continued to refine my skills in game development, and have continued to pursue several creative projects of mine. This includes a worldbuilding project of mine for D&D, a dip into content creation as a streamer, and the solo development of a video game.

All in all, I'm proud of how far I've come, and am excited to see what awaits me in the future.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website!