The World of Agathok is a homebrew setting and major project that builds upon the rules of Dungeons & Dragons: 5th Edition. It is a high fantasy world with its own history, list of playable species, history, and more.

Narrative Design
  • Carefully crafted the plot and characters of every story (or "adventure") told in the world, and ensured it was flexible to the players' actions.

  • Designed every aspect of the world, including its history, locations, and species of people.

  • Wrote both deep lore unknown to most people but discoverable by players, and "surface-level" lore available to a number of characters.

  • Created multiple settlements complete with buildings of interest (like inns and temples) and shops with planned out inventories.

  • Aligned every story to the timeline in a way that allowed for the players' actions in one story to potentially affect the events occurring in another, separate story.

Wiki World Anvil
Systems Design
  • Created a large amount of playable options for players, ranging from new ancestries (or races) to subclasses.

  • Revised multiple pre-existing player options to bring them more in line with other options, balance-wise.

  • Modified or replaced pre-existing rules in the D&D: 5e system (i.e. Exhaustion), in addition to implementing new rules (i.e. Weapon Arts system).

  • Added 3 new Skills: Martial, Mercantile, and Linguistics, to better suit certain niches of the game.

  • Implemented a new "Tactics check" system to make encounters like Boss fights more thrilling and balanced to large player groups.

  • Designed several intricate boss fights that all proved a challenge for players.

Level Design
  • Designed many maps using the Inkarnate software and the assets it provides.

  • Created maps of varying sizes and themes, from small magic item shops to large scale dungeons and environments.

  • If an asset was needed but not available, I would create it in Photoshop and import it for use in the Inkarnate software.

  • Nearly all maps were created to fit a 5 ft. x 5 ft. grid, to ensure that it would be practical for use during any combat scenario.