Bloomed Ghoul is a 2D Top-Down Action Roguelike game, where you play as a ghoul descending a living tower, slaying and devouring all enemies that get in your way.

My Goals

5-6 Months. Work on the game in my free time within 5 months, max 6 months.

Publish. Finish the game and publish it.

Roguelike. Make a roguelike game with multiple upgrades and at least 2 bosses.

Completely Solo. Develop the game completely independent, to improve current skills and to learn new ones.


I decided to develop this game completely solo, both to push myself to improve my skills within a set deadline, and to push myself to publish a game that others can play.

That said, some of the responsibilities for the game included:

  • Creating and managing a concise Game Design Document.

  • Using tools like Trello to manage tasks, time, and feedback.

  • Conceiving and writing the overall story, even if it was used just as a backdrop.

  • Designing and programming the whole game, including the formulas that determine enemy spawns, level selection, and merchant spawns.

  • Creating multiple unique sprites and animations.

  • Designing and then publishing a store page for the game on the website.

Tools Used

All of the tools used were new to me, except GameMaker Studio 2, which I had a little experience using in the past.

  • Engine — GameMaker Studio 2

  • 2D Sprites — Asesprite

  • Audio — Audacity